HomeUSAVirginiaSouthwest Virginia (Appalachia)High Knob LandformHKL WestCliff Mountain BouldersTop Gun AreaTop GunTop Gun AreteV3MavrickV1Edit modeIce ManV4boulderingFA Brian JonesCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionJust right of "Top Gun" sit start on the sloper rail. Move to the left off of the start (not right to the pocket) and toss to the deep but small pockets. From pockets, gain the higher jug and then toss to lip to top out.LocationTop GunProtectionpadsRoutes in Top Gun1Merlin AreteV3Bouldering2Top Gun AreteV3Bouldering3Ice ManV4Bouldering 4MavrickV1Bouldering