HomeUSAColoradoEstes Park ValleyBig Thompson CanyonBeige Tube Area / The NarrowsIroning Board Slabs (Upper & Lower Slabs)Short but Squeezed5.7+The Hair of the Dog5.9+5.9+sportFA Led: Al Simons Simons, Sparks, Leggits (on top rope in the '90s, led when bolted in 2008)CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Ironing Board Slabs (Upper & Lower Slabs)1Hard Luck and Bad Times5.11a/bSport2Short but Sweet5.8+Trad3Double O Slab5.10Trad4Slipstream Dihedral5.9+Trad · Sport5La Facada Norte5.9Trad6Ten Second High5.10Sport7Coal Room5.10Trad8Ned's Variation to Code Rainbow5.9+Trad9Code Rainbow5.9+Trad · Sport10Area 515.10c/dTrad11Otherworld5.10aSport12Unknown Left (sorry Gillett)5.8Trad13Roadside TraverseV2Trad · Bouldering14Short but Squeezed5.7+Trad15Bee Line Highway5.9+Sport 16The Hair of the Dog5.9+Trad