HomeUSAVirginiaShenandoah & NW VA RegionShenandoah National ParkOld RagReflector OvenChasm Crack5.8Tourniquet5.10dEdit modeReport to Sickbay5.10ctradFA Greg Collins, George Flam, John McKigney 1981CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionFun, varied, grippy granite. This route is an overlooked classic, even for Old Rag. My memory of the crux included knock-kneed funky stems and tips locks with good gear pulling out of the chimney to my immense relief-my good piece was the grey TCU. Worthwhile and fun.LocationWhen descending into the Reflector Oven, bear right along the wall, passing underneath Strawberry Fields, until the wall makes a 90 degree turn. The corner and chimney at this sometimes-wet corner is what you're looking for.ProtectionCams+nuts with TCUSRoutes in Reflector Oven1Sunday Crack Fix5.8Trad2The Parker Route5.11+Trad · Sport3Chasm Crack5.8Trad4Report to Sickbay5.10cTrad 5Tourniquet5.10dTrad6Don't Pro the Flake Bro5.12a/bTrad · Sport7The Vegetated Crack5.6Trad8Nothing Is Real5.11dTrad9Strawberry Fields5.9+Trad10Radiation5.11dTrad11Mystery Move5.12aTrad12Loki5.7Trad · Sport13When Natural Law Fails5.11cTrad14B and H Route5.11cTrad15The Crackin5.11dTrad16Unlikely Promise5.10cTrad17Strawberry Tart5.11aTrad18Upper Terrace Chimney5.7Trad19Republicans and Politics5.10dTrad20Physics and Politics5.10bTrad