HomeUSAOregonCentral OregonCline FallsCline Falls BoulderingEastMain Area BouldersRiver SpotStevieV6Edit modeDiagonal DragonalV1-2boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionFun little traversy climb on diagonal holds. Start wherever seems natural; there could also be a sit start farther down right perhaps. Grade is speculative.LocationDownstream-facing (north) side of the River Spot boulders, to the left of Stevie and slightly uphill.Protection1-2 padsRoutes in River Spot1Diagonal DragonalV1-2Bouldering 2StevieV6Bouldering3CarrotV7Bouldering4Cowboy BebopV9Bouldering