HomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National ParkPinto BasinBelle Campground AreaBelle CampgroundCastle RockCastle Rock - North SideOne Point Crack5.4Music Box5.8+Edit modeTwo Point Crack5.1tradFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThis is the third crack from the left on the north face of Castle Rock. It is a secure jam and chimney.ProtectionHand and fist size gear.Routes in Castle Rock - North Side1Half Crack5.3Trad2One Point Crack5.4Trad3Two Point Crack5.1Trad 4Music Box5.8+Trad5Bella Lugosi5.11cTrad6That Old Soft Shoe5.10dTrad7Bride of Frankenstein5.11dTr8Transylvania Twist5.10dTrad9Junction Chimney5.2Trad10Ground Finale5.10aTrad11Chimney Sweep5.0Trad12Count Dracula5.11aTrad13Diagnostics5.6Trad14Love at First Bite5.8Trad15Diabetics5.4Trad16Belly Dancer5.10dTrad