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Peak Mountain 3

Coming of Age

FA Brett Mayes (1992)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route is not as wandering as the photo implies.

Climb the right trending crack to a horizontal seam. Move left through good holds to clip the first bolt. Climb straight up past 3 more bolts, then angle right towards the lower right corner of the roof (a tad runout). Plug a cam or two, and pull over the roof on good holds. Angle back left past one more bolt to the anchor. Very balancey and thoughtful movement. Good stuff!


Rappel route.


Approximately midway between the Interface Rocks corridor and the far north side of the King west face. Goes up the middle of the up/left slanting roof. Just right of Frack.


5 bolts, some slings, and single set of cams 0.3-2. Chain anchor.

1000 km
500 mi